Need Assesment of the Ethno-Socioscientific-Issue-Based Biochemistry Teaching Materials to Improve Prospective Teacher Candidates’ Scientific Literacy

Ratna Kumala Dewi, Sri Rahayu, Muntholib, Woro Sumarni & Sudarmin

Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Malang, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, Indonesia

Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. ,,, &


Biochemistry is contextual material that relates to daily life, including local wisdom. The current condition of prospective teacher candidates is that many need to learn local wisdom and culture along with the transformation of the globalization era. This study aimed to determine the teaching materials that need to be developed in Biochemistry Materials with the Ethno-Socioscientific Issue approach at the State Islamic University in Indonesia. This qualitative research method describes the need for Biochemistry teaching materials based on the Ethno-Socioscientific Issue. The research subjects were students of chemistry and biology department. The research sample was randomly selected from as many as 56 students. Data was collected using observation sheets, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of observations show that prospective teacher candidates need help understanding local wisdom, they cannot explore socioscientific issue related to local wisdom, and there are no existing contextual Biochemistry teaching materials. Biochemistry teaching materials that already exist at this time have several weaknesses, including not connecting the material with daily life, the questions given do not train students’ scientific literacy (not including HOTS questions), and there are no teaching materials with an ethno-socioscientific issue approach. The results of the questionnaire analysis of the need for the development of Biochemistry teaching materials show that 91% of students need innovation in teaching materials that contain elements of local wisdom and new findings related to socioscientific issue. Teaching materials in the form of modules were chosen because they can provide opportunities for independent, systematic, and logical learning so that they can improve the scientific literacy of prospective science teacher candidates. Based on the study results, there is a need to develop Biochemistry teaching materials in the form of Ethno-Socioscientific Issue-Based Biochemistry modules.

Keywords: Biochemistry, Ethno-Socioscientific Issue, local wisdom, scientific literacy

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